Foreign Photographers attempting to enter Bali, Indonesia carrying professional equipment may soon face extra scrutiny when passing though customs.
This comes from Jack Daniel's popular Bali Update website, posted March 2, 2013:
Say, ‘Cheese’
Complaints Raised Over Use of Illegal Foreign Photographers by Bali Hotels

(3/3/2013) reports that there are many undocumented and illegal photographers working in Bali, some earning “tens of thousands of dollar per project” while working on only a tourist visa.
The chairman of the Indonesian Association of Photography Producers, Erry Wibowo, said in Kuta, Bali on February 24, 2013: ”These foreign photographers enter the country on a holiday visa, though in fact they are working in Bali doing photography jobs, like taking pictures of internationally branded hotels.”
Wibowo contends that foreign photographers are lured to work illegally in Bali by projects offering “tens of thousands of dollars” in payment.
Wibowo elaborated: “The (foreign) photographers are paid as much as US$20,000 or nearly Rp. 200 million for a single photography job profiling an international hotel. This amount is far above that paid to an Indonesian photographer. These foreign photographers are working without any legal basis.”
In this context, Erry Wibowo hopes the government will more strictly enforce working permit regulations for professional photographers in Indonesia. He also expressed the wish that more opportunities to shoot internationally branded companies, such as international hotels in Bali, be given to local photographers.
“So far, the internationally branded hotels have used foreign photographers, leaving the impression that these hotels are outside the reach of local photographers, for them the main point is that the photographer must be a foreigner,” Wibowo complained.
© Bali Discovery Tours. Articles may be quoted and reproduced if attributed to
Bali is a country of eye-candy for both the visiting holiday snapshooter as well as the professional. On occasion, I too have entered the country on assignment without the required paperwork in place. More often, I turn up to shoot stock photography - a sort of grey-area when it comes to temorary work visas (KITAS) vs. tourist visas (VOA).
Even when arriving without tons of lighting & grip equipment, the sight of two or three camera bodies, multiple lenses and tripods alone is enough to pique the interest (and opportunity to solicit bribes) of wily customs officials who will wisk you away to a small adjacent room where the negotiating begins.
So... be advised. For more information on negotiating the quagmire that can be the Indonesian Visa process, click HERE.
1 comment:
Salam kenal... Bagi anda Pria normal Gay bi Indonesia yg dewasa...
Kenapa cari dewasa 30tahun keatas?
ABG / remaja lebih cendrung Manja, Labil, posesif & protektif. Aku dak prnh suka yg feminin. Sory...Sangat, bagi yg merasa, tidak perlu tersinggung/minder, tapi ini bagian dari hak pilihan mencari sesuai kriteria masing"... Saya mencari anda" yg punya niat serius, ketemu, jalin hub baik, dll. Aq cri special partner, bukan just fun / free...
Pacaran bukan hal yg mengancam privacy anda,meski anda sdh menikah! itu tergantung bgmn anda memberikan pengertian kepada pasangan anda? Selama anda care? Terbuka? Jujur & apa adanya, aku yakin partner tidak akan berbuat aneh"!
Saya berharap tidak mau ganti" pasangan, itu hal beresiko. & saya juga berharap anda bukan Pria liar!
Nafsu & libido itu penting, tapi bukan utama. Fisik jg bukan jaminan langgeng!
Hati lebih diutamakan...
Salam kenal, saya 27th ; 085664600785 SILAHKAN DIHUBUNGI, JIKA ANDA MERASA PRIA MANLY & Jantan...
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