Over the past couple of days, both this blog and myself celebrated yet another lap around the sun. I spent my celebration time ensconced in luxury digs at a relatively remote part of the south shore coast, capturing architectural images for an architect/client's portfolio. Amazing property, amazing residential design incorporating the best of southeast asian "pod" design using modern materials, beautiful italian plaster wall finishes inside & out, tasteful & minimalist interior design, fabulous art... all in all, this was one of the most interestingly designed homes I have had the opportunity to work on.
Large, open interior spaces with lots of great, installed lighting plus bright exterior ambient daylight made for very demanding lighting scenarios. My assistant and I spent a total of 12 & 1/2 hours working on the first day of production and returned yesterday to put in another 5 hours to finish up the project.
Above are a few of the finished images.
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