Monday, July 23, 2012

ASMP Releases New Model/Property Release App For iPhone & iPad

has just made keeping track of & organizing Model 
& Property Releases a little bit easier.

Released just a little over a week ago, this 
new ASMP app available for iPhone 
&iPad (versions for Android & other platforms
 are in the works)features templates allowing you to
create Standard ASMP Releases for talent &
property as well as ASMP's new "Promo Only" 
release for self-promotional work and the stock
industry gold standard wording from Getty Images.

One of the great new features is the ability
to embed photos of talent & property, taken with the 
mobile device, into the release form... making
it even easier to keep track of things
once assignments are completed. Another
very cool thing about the app is that
models & property owners can sign the release
right on the mobile device using a finger or stylus. 

There appear to be a few bugs yet to work
out (my version hasn't been able to embed photos 
in release forms and saves them as separate documents) 
and there is a bit of a learning curve required in order 
to make full use of the app. I've only just begun
to play with mine and have found it a bit time consuming 
when it comes to entering data to create templates 
of info to be embedded in releases you create, so
I recommend that you spend some time learning how 
use the app and then enter client/assignment & personal
information into templates well before you
arrive at the assignment.

Hopefully, there will soon be updates released
that will fix the photo embedding problem and perhaps 
make things just a bit more intuitive to use, but 
this is certainly a fine start and a very 
useful app for any still/motion photographer
 needing releases for either 
assignment or stock work.

Find out more about the app and how to download 
your FREE version here:

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