A few weeks ago, I was sitting around having a chin-wag session with music feak, amazing graphic designer and owner of Dogtowne Design, Scott Johnson. During our chat, Scott & I began brainstorming ideas for iconic, surreal images to be used to promote the return of West Virginia bluegrass artists, Brown Chicken Brown Cow String Band. Since the band had derived their name from a joke (bow-chika-bow-bow)and their frontman & fiddler, Zander, is given over to cornpone patter between tunes, Scott & I decided that the image needed to be a visual joke, surreal in nature, and... most of all, eye-catching.
After several minutes of idea tossing and head-scratching, the concept of the "COW EGG" was hatched. Last thursday, in anticipation of the bands first public Maui performance since their return from touring the mainland, Scott & I shifted into high-gear to "git 'er done" as the BCBCSB guys might say. Off to the local hardware/garden store I went in search of flats of fine-leafed grass sod and some white spray paint to make clouds. Then off to the supermarket for a dozen eggs to complete the items necessary for the shoot.
Below, you will find my studio shot (L) prior to Scott getting his grubby little fingers on it. Once in his hands, Scott masterfully managed to strip real enough looking cow fur onto the egg, add striking text graphics and, VIOLA!, a cow egg was born.
Don't miss Brown Chicken Brown Brown Cow String band's return to Maui this friday night at Stella Blues in Kihei. The show starts at 9:00pm.